Any modern city has its own transportation infrastructure, which is served by transportation companies. These companies are staffed with vehicles that are adapted for passenger transportation. Also for this infrastructure a network of city roads is fitted – these roads are equipped not only with appropriate markings, but also with means of regulating traffic. Cabs have become a popular and convenient service for personal transportation in the modern world.

What types of transport can be used in the city
The most common type of public transport is a city bus. Also in the city are used transport of the following names:

High-speed streetcars.

In cities where there are waterways, the River Tram can also be used. Some cities have built monorails. Conveyor transport can also be found in megacities. Bicycle rickshaws and scooters (tuk-tuk, motorcycle cab), mopeds, and motorcycles can also be used as urban transport. In some cities, such as San Francisco, there are exotic forms of urban transport – the cable car. The cable car is powered by a moving cable (rope), which is laid in a special trough between the rails.

The advantages of using public transportation
Today it is very prestigious to move around the city in your own car, but this pleasure is associated with certain difficulties. The large number of cars causes traffic jams on city highways, and this is especially true during rush hour. Modern public transport is inexpensive and quite convenient way to move around the city, and as practice shows, sometimes you can get to a given point faster by subway or bus than by own car.

In the era of modern technology, urban public transport is switching to electric power, and today you can see more and more often in major metropolitan areas – city electric buses. This transport is environmentally friendly and low-noise, and riding on such a bus is a pleasure. Taxi fleets are also switching to electric power. Even cab drivers engaged in private hauling are gradually switching to electric cars. Urban electric vehicles not only help the environment, but also save a lot on fuel. Electric cars are 10 times cheaper than conventional internal combustion engines.

Using modern urban transport of any type can significantly save money on moving around the city and not to invest in expensive maintenance of own car. Even well-known media personalities – singers, actors and famous athletes, prefer many kinds of – public transport. Today you won’t find any lopsided buses, trolleybuses or subway cars. Urban transport has undergone a noticeable transformation, and all transportation organizations are trying to regularly update their rolling stock to meet the high requirements and standards for passenger service.