The streetcar is a type of rail transport, which is designed to move passengers on specific routes. This oldest type of passenger public transport has an interesting history. The origin of the first streetcar is associated with horse traction. It dates back to the first half of the nineteenth century. Subsequently, this means of transport has undergone many changes and improvements.

The history of the streetcar
Not everyone knows when exactly the first streetcar appeared. The emergence of this vehicle dates back to the first half of the nineteenth century. However, later it has undergone many changes.

In fact, the first electric streetcar was invented independently of each other by three scientists in different countries. They were the American researcher Daft, the German Siemens, and the Russian scientist Pirotsky.

In 1880, successful research was conducted on an electric traction device. A horse-drawn carriage was converted for the experiments, and a special generator was placed near the line. On August 22 the newspapers announced an important event – the car moved along the rails with the help of electric current. However, it was not much further than an experiment.

The actual inventor of the streetcar is considered to be the German scientist Werner von Siemens. His company was the first to realize this invention. For the first time, an electric streetcar line 2.5 kilometers long became a connection between Lichterfeld and Berlin.

The streetcar could reach speeds of up to 20 kilometers per hour. The engine power was 5 kilowatts and the voltage was 180 volts. A current was run through two rails. The scientist did not stop there. In the same year he opened a similar track in the capital of France.

The popularity of streetcars increased in the eighties of the twentieth century. By that time, the widespread use of automobiles caused many problems. Traffic jams, smog, lack of parking spaces were the reasons for reconsidering the transport policy.

In addition, people appreciated the advantages of the streetcar from an environmental point of view. This caused the need for technical improvement of the streetcars of those years. The proliferation of this mode of transport reduced the number of cars in the cities, reduced the need for parking, and allowed the expansion of parks and squares.

The use of streetcars today
Today, city streetcars continue to perform their primary task of moving passengers along a predetermined route. Many vehicles have also been invented for excursions, tourist attraction or advertising campaigns. There are many double-decker vehicles and convertible streetcars on the streets. Such designs are even used as cafes and hotels. Often streetcars are used for technical purposes. They are used to repair railroad tracks, remove snow, and move cargo.

High-speed streetcars have become very popular in many cities. Generally, this category includes all varieties of transport with a speed over 24 kilometers per hour. However, in reality, high-speed streetcars travel much faster. For example, in France, such transport, which moves between the central part of the city and the airport, speeds more than 100 kilometers per hour.

The oldest streetcar, which operates to this day, is considered “Santa Teresa”. It operates in Rio de Janeiro, a Brazilian city. Back in 1896, this vehicle was converted from horse power to electric power. Since then, it began to ride through the city streets in its unchanged form. Now the vehicle has become used for tourist trips and excursions.

Lisbon has a so-called musical streetcar. While traveling on it tourists can be transported back in time. Just like a hundred years ago, the vehicle is made of plywood. During the entire trip, local performers create a live musical accompaniment. If a passenger needs to get off, he has to pull the rope, which is located at the top.

In the French Alps is the highest located route. The rails were laid here in the first half of the twentieth century. At that time the road was used mainly for practical purposes – to move peasants between villages. Today this route is very popular among tourists. A trip on this streetcar gives the opportunity to see the beauty of the Alps. The highest point of the route is located almost 2.5 kilometers above sea level.

During its existence, this vehicle has undergone many changes. It has a very interesting history. That’s why there were opened many museums of this type of transport. One of them is located in Nizhny Novgorod. There are many streetcars and trolleybuses. Because the museum is visited by families with children, all the exhibits are allowed to touch hands and examine in detail.