The United States is distinguished by a developed transport infrastructure. This is one of the leaders not only in terms of the number of cars (more than 800 cars per 1,000 people), but also the country with the largest number of airports. Not only road and air communications are well developed here. The rail network allows you to cross the United States; water transportation is used in many states to solve transportation problems.

Airplanes, trains and water trams

Even though Americans prefer to travel by private cars, it is not always cost-effective and practical. If you need to quickly move from one side of the country to another, a plane is the best solution.
The system of civil aviation is developed superbly in this country. There are small airfields even in cities where the population does not exceed 7-8 thousand people. Of course, an international class airliner will not be able to land here due to the quality and length of the runway. But you can easily fly from one state to another in 20-30 minutes on a light small aircraft designed for 8-10 passengers.
In total, there are about 10 thousand airfields for small civil aircraft and more than 5 thousand large airports with solid runways in the United States. At the same time, American airports are considered the busiest in the world, because moving by air is not only fast, but also relatively cheap when it comes to internal flights. In terms of costs, traveling by train in the United States is comparable to internal air travel. However, this travel option is chosen by many locals who are afraid to fly by plane. The rail network in the United States is well developed, with a total length of more than 370,000 km.
All information for information boards and announcements in transport, in particular, timetables, instructions for passengers, information boards, brochures, audio and video materials about safety, etc. is translated into several languages by the translation agency
Commuter trains are especially popular, delivering tens of thousands of passengers daily from the suburbs to metropolitan areas. Due to numerous traffic jams, it is much faster to get to work by train. But keep in mind that this pleasure is not cheap. For example, a train ride from Washington to New York will cost at least $ 100. And for a monthly pass from the suburbs to the centre of New York, you will have to pay at least $ 700.
Many wealthy people in the USA have private yachts, and the state of Oregon with its numerous boathouses is a vivid confirmation of this. But if you need to quickly get from one settlement to another by water, it is easier and more profitable to use public transport. For these purposes, there are ferry crossings throughout the country, and water trams run regularly in large cities like New York.
The cost of a water trip is quite affordable, which is used not only by locals, but also by tourists. For example, you can get from Brooklyn to Manhattan by boat for $ 2.50. Those who want to see New York from a cruise ship will have to pay about $ 25 for a two-hour trip across the bay.

What kind of city public transport do the locals use?

As far back as the century before last, the construction of subways began in large cities, which New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Washington and a number of other megalopolises have today. The construction of the subway at one time made it possible to solve the transport problem and unload the streets of the highways of large cities. For example, the length of the New York subway, which consists of 36 lines, is almost 400 km, and the cost of one trip is $ 3.
In the middle of the last century, trolley buses and trams were actively used in American cities, which still carry passengers in small towns. However, in large administrative centres they have already been abandoned due to inexpediency, having organized bus express routes where transport stops at the request of passengers. Unusual forms of public transport.

Important documents related to the rules and regulations in the field of transport are translated by translation agencies to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers who speak foreign languages.

Since American cities are oversaturated with cars and you can spend several hours in traffic jams, various companies offer alternative travel options. For example, since 1976, the Roosevelt Cable Car has been operating in New York, which connects the city centre with one of the islands and thus replaces the ferry service.
In Las Vegas, on the initiative of Elon Musk, the construction of the first underground highway Vegas Loop has been completed, where electric cars can reach up to 200 km/h. Even as we speak passengers can get from the city centre to the airport in a few minutes, spending as little as $ 10 on the trip. Testing of the first maglev in the United States, a high-speed railway for magnetic levitation trains has almost been completed. It connected Baltimore and Washington, allowing you to cover a distance of 64 km in less than 8 minutes.